Saturday, September 28, 2013

~# 28092013 : 我拿了病假。 *


对不起 同事们,麻烦你们了..

今天的我 顶不住了
今天的我 肚子痛.. 

本来我还以为 睡个觉 一切都会好起来的
谁知道 起来比睡前更痛 T____T

不明白 为什么我突然变得那么弱?

真的很想 新年过后 离开这里
试试看 新的东西....



Monday, September 23, 2013

~# 我因該習慣 你離去的眼神.. *

" 我在抓着一个已经失去了的东西,
希望它回来,却知道它不会。 "

 Thanks mummy,
 you know you,daddy and jiee are the best!


Craaaaaaaaazeeee ! 我知道不能再留住你!!

- 我可能不能和你在一起了 但是这不代表 我没有爱过你 -

~# Imma Lucky Girl that day :) *

- No captions -

Sunday, September 22, 2013

~# 我可能不能和你在一起了 但是这不代表 我没有爱过你 *


 Yeas, i knew it from the start..
Am trying to accept,
i just need a little more time..

我知道 不管我做什么我也挽回不了
那我只好 大方的祝福,再见了

当没人关心 自己的时候
自己蹲下来 给自己一个拥抱
让自己好过一些 很快就好了
心痛的感觉 就快过去了 

~# 自己选的路 自己坚强走下去 *

i need fresh air, i need a fresh breath.

 i can be very happy when am alone,
but i can be very unhappy too when am alone.
Am in dilemma, am in down period nowadays.
What is actually happen on me..
i just wanna make things clear.

Breakfast alone after morning walk.

i can be tough, i can be strong
but with you is not like that at all.
i wish you were here.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

~# 如无力挽回要懂得放手, 离别了的人不可拥有, 仍能在往后日子学懂珍惜, 念在爱你的, 别让他难受。 *


Clouds. Loves the skies. 

Pudding Jelly by me on offday!
Its longan and peach..
Awwh, needa plan so so many things to do on my offday!
But one of the problem is.. 
i dn hv enough money to do those expensive one.
Hmmm thinking to do something ez and cheap,
to cure my boredom :))

我可以幼稚到 扮成熟望远方落霞..

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

~# Enlightenment Ceremony for 2013 *

This year 2013,  de decoration is different.
Then only i realize that 
lotus actually will open in the morning and close at night time.
Awww do u guys know it as well? :O

Play ground, imma happy go lucky! :D :D 


with ze Colleagues  
They provide us free minions as well :P
Yuhoo. Had so much fun that day...
But the feelings is like.. lack of something?

Monday, September 16, 2013

~# It's stupid how we forgive someone just because we don't want to lose them, even when they don't deserve it. *

Am glad i have them, all by my side.

Baby girl 

Thanks my babes for cheering my up with u girls pretty pics!
Hahaha, although we looks stupid..
But yeah friends are meant to be stupid together! :P 

A glass of pure milk before sleep. 

不該在擁有的 為何還要強求呢? 



Sunday, September 15, 2013

~# 女人要学会坚强,其实一个人也可以活得漂亮,自己笑给自己看,自己哭给自己听。*

Smile more, positive mind.
Everything will come in a positive way! ;)

although is quite messy, but is kinda nice (^^)

Photo shooting in the office that day.
Everybody making up, 
with pretty faces and hairdo all around xD

Taaaa-da! they said she looks nice.
To me.. Enn.. So-so? :/
After am home, loves it curl like that! :D :D
but i asked da hairstylist before,
he said only temporary one can curl like that :(
ALWAYS BE HAPPY, puhhlease.

Here it goes the outcome, hehee :P

Saturday, September 14, 2013

~# 自己骗自己 是不是每个女孩都会用来安慰自己的一个东西? *

 Prove? ineeditthemost.

She able to read my mind, haha
Actually is right, 
when am not happy or something in my mind..
i will automatically shows it out through my face,
is not under my control..... 
i wish i could hide it, but.. :( 

 Wonderful Rainbow on that day.

 其实 我们心里 已经有那个答案了,
只不过 不想承认而已。

 jiee, i miss you too.
i miss our childhood memories together.

如无力挽回要懂得放手, 离别了的人不可拥有, 
仍能在往后日子学懂珍惜, 念在爱你的, 别让他难受。