Wednesday, October 21, 2009

~# tiring one , Fullhouse *

Houhou suddenly asked me on Monday night ,
to go Fullhouse !
omgg .
since i nv been there before ..
so Why not i give a try .
hehee .

so , after my class around 12.45pm ,
we started our Journey from College .
den Reached there around .. 130pm !
together with Jenny , Xiao Zhong , Hou hou and one of His fren !

Poserr !

so Sorrry to Jenny ..
makes her back home dart lateee !
ughh .
i dint know they will play us tis Way !

thanks Jenny for edited de Pichhaa !

Creative isitttt ?

do You know why i named it as a JOURNEY ?
i get to know de Place is realli very very far from Ampang !
when we back dart time , he so Called " Zhou chuo luu ! "
salah jalann ! wtffff .
i donknow whether he realli use de Wrong way laaa or whatt !
( =.= )"

we went to Genting halfway weiii ,
untill de pondok Police dey ~
den onlii uturn back to Ampang weh ..
around 2.30 plus went back ,
went upthehill den onlii back to Ampang !
wtfff . Reallli tiring you know ! awww..

phuhs .

Anyway ~
de Atmosphere at Fullhouse realli not badd .
very Niceee , pureee whittee !
hahahaz but too badd .
de Foods and de Drinkss realliii Costy ! =C
andd , nt realli dart Nice lar.

Tiringg dayssss .

* y i can be soo emo these days. aiks *

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